Riding in Norrebro & Frederiksberg

DSCF3422 Today (Saturday May 17) was a beautiful day with temperatures around 25 C, 72 or so F. We decided to do a bike ride to the northwestern part of the city and then take the green belt through Norrebro and then through Frederiksberg.  Here, at the very beginning of the green belt, we found a nice park with very long swings!  This park also served as a good spot for a picnic of some fresh wheat rolls, cheese, salami, tomatoes, apples, and cookies. And then, we biked further and found a series of swings for couples or groups.

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After more biking through the very green and lilac-rich Frederiksberg, we got to the Frederiksberg slot, the “small summer palace” first completed in 1703 for Frederick IV. It became a site for the War Department and the Army Academy in 1867, and remains so today.  The palace overlooks Frederiksberg Park, which hosts a heron sanctuary, a grass-roofed historic home that sits between the park and the Copenhagen zoo (you can see the elephant house from the park), and many blossoming flowers.


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One response to “Riding in Norrebro & Frederiksberg”

  1. Gerald Schofield Avatar
    Gerald Schofield

    It sure looks lush. We, on the other hand, are heading into our browning season, when the green hills turn brown. Love, Dad

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